vineri, 16 noiembrie 2007

Musée du Louvre

The Louvre has three wings: the Richelieu, Sully, and Denon. They are North, East, and South of the Pyramid respectively.

Treasures of The Louvre


A collection of images of the Louvre - contributions welcome, attribution freely given.

The Cour Napoléon; Day - Collage; Norman Barth 1995.

The Cour Napoléon; Night - Collage; Norman Barth 1995.

Jardins des Tuileries; Erica Vinson 1995.

Jardins des Tuileries; Norman Barth 1995.

The Sully Wing; Norman Barth - 1995

A Short History of The Louvre - The Museum

The Salon Carré - canvas, 1861, Castiglione.
The library of Charles V - installed in one of the towers of the original fortress of Philippe August - was eventually dispersed. François I began a new collection of art with 12 paintings from Italy. These included works by Titian, Raphael, and Leonardo da Vinci, the most famous being the Joconde - or Mona Lisa. The royal collection grew and by the reign of Louis XIII, numbered roughly 200 pieces. Henri II, and Catherine de Médicis continued to enlarge the collection, as did others. When Louis XIV died in 1715, there were 2,500 pieces of art and objects.

Until the Revolution, this collection was strictly for the private pleasure of the Court. Finally, the idea of a museum (originating with Louis XVI) was realized on 10 August 1793, when the Musée de la République opened to the public.

Napoléon greatly increased the collections by exacting tribute from the countries he conquored, but most of these were returned in 1815 after his defeat at Waterloo. Under Louis XVIII the Venus de Milo was aquired (for 6000F) shortly after it was rediscovered on the Island of Melos in 1820.

In 1848 the museum became the property of the State. With an annual budget devoted to aquiring new art, the collections continued to grow. Private donations also augmented the Museum's holdings.

In 1947 the impressionist paintings were moved to the Jeu de Paume and l'Orangerie. (In 1986 these were transfered to the Musée d'Orsay.)

Today, the catalogue lists nearly 300,000 works, only a fraction of which are on display at any one time. Le Grand Louvre - begun in 1981 is transforming the museum once again enlarging it substantially. The Richelieu Wing - which had ``temporarily'' housed part of the Ministry of Finance since the 18th century - was opened in 1993.

The Richelieu Wing of the Louvre opened in November of 1993

In the coming years the organization of the museum and how the collections are displayed will be changed signficantly. However, Le Grand Louvre promises to put more works on display than ever before.

Louvre Basics

The Louvre has extensive collections organized into seven departments. These are housed in the three wings of the museum: Sully, Denon and Richelieu. These wings are respectively to the west, south, and north of the Pyramid. The Hall Napoléon is the name used to denote the space beneath the Pyramid which is now the official entrance to the Louvre. In the image below, the Richelieu Wing is to the left of the Pyramid; the Sully Wing to the right.

Each of the wings has 3 stories (i.e. ground, first, and second). There is also an `Entresol' - below ground - level.

1. 2.
1. Looking through the Eastern arch leading to the Cour Carée; Pyramid beyond.
2. Eastern façade of the Cour Carée/Sully Wing.

3. 4.
It isn't always sunny in Paris;
3. The Pyramid by IM Pei and Richelieu Wing in the background.
4. Richelieu and Sully Wings to the left and right of the Pyramid.

5. Inside of the Pyramid - The Hall Napoléon - the main entrance to the museum.